Emeriti faculty
Haldan N. Cohn
Emeritus Professor, Astronomy
- cohn@indiana.edu
- (812) 855-4174
- Swain West 412
Research Interests
dynamical evolution of globular star clusters; galactic nuclei and clusters of galaxies; optical and x-ray studies of binary x-ray sources; N-body simulations of globular star clusters
Richard H. Durisen
Professor Emeritus, Astronomy
- durisen@indiana.edu
- (812) 855-6921
- Swain West 309
Research Interests
simulations of fluid and particle system dynamics applied to star and planet formation; the structure and stability of astrophysical disks; planetary ring systems
In Memory of R. Kent Honeycutt
We are saddened by the loss of our friend and colleague John Hill Professor Emeritus R. Kent Honeycutt, who passed away on January 2, 2025. He will be missed.
Research Interests
accretion disks
Stuart L. Mufson
Professor Emeritus, Astronomy
- mufson@indiana.edu
- (812) 855-6917
- Swain West 322
Research Interests
high energy astrophysics; cosmic ray physics from underground and balloon-borne experiments; neutrino astrophysics and dark matter searches; cosmology
Thomas Y. Steiman-Cameron
Emeritus Research Scientist, Astronomy
- tsteiman@indiana.edu
- (812) 855-2400
- Swain West 309