Astronomy Department Course List
Fall 2010
Class | Section | Description | Day | Time | Instructor | Associate Instructor | Room # |
A100 | 10868 | The Solar System | W | 6:35-9:05pm | Cummings | SW219 | |
A100 | 27788 | The Solar System | MWF | 1:25-2:15pm | Mufson | McConnell | SW119 |
A103 | 20108 | Search for Life in the Universe | TR | 1:00-2:15pm | Steiman-Cameron | Hirschauer | SW119 |
A105 | 32119 | Stars & Galaxies | M | 6:35-9:05pm | Maderak | SW219 | |
A105 | 21291 | Stars & Galaxies | TR | 9:30-10:45am | Rhode | Mason | SW119 |
A110 | 30431 | Introduction to Astronomy | MW | 2:30-3:45pm | Clarkson | Pace | SW119 |
A110 | 30432 | Introduction to Astronomy | TR | 2:30-3:45pm | Clarkson | Maxwell | SW219 |
A221 | 10871 | General Astronomy I | MWF | 8:45-9:55am | van Zee | Parker | SW219 |
A520 | 27790 | The Interstellar Medium | MW | 11:15-12:30pm | Salzer | SW219 | |
A780 | 10874 | Seminar in Astronomy | R | 3:35-5:00pm | Salim | SW103 |
Spring 2011
Class | Section | Description | Day | Time | Instructor | Associate Instructor | Room # |
A100 | 6017 | The Solar System | TR | 6:30-8:00pm | Maxwell | SW218 | |
A100 | 16441 | The Solar System | MW | 2:30-3:45pm | Steiman-Cameron | Mason | SW119 |
A105 | 28653 | Stars & Galaxies | TR | 9:30-10:45am | Clarkson | McConnell | SW119 |
A105 | 28131 | Stars & Galaxies | TR | 1:00-3:20pm* | Clarkson | Maderak | SW007 |
A105 | 13759 | Stars & Galaxies | TR | 1:00-2:15pm | Lugger | Pace | SW119 |
A105 | 16442 | Stars & Galaxies | TR | 2:30-3:45pm | Cohn | Cummings | SW119 |
A115 | 28132 | Birth & Death of the Universe | MWF | 1:25-2:15 | Mufson | Maxwell | SW219 |
A222 | 6018 | General Astronomy II | MWF | 8:45-9:55am | Deliyannis | Parker | SW219 |
A452 | 22133 | Extragalactic Astrophysics | TR | 11:15-12:30PM | Rhode | Hirschauer | SW221 |
A575 | 28134 | Structure & Evolution of Galaxies | MW | 1:00-2:15pm | van Zee | SW219 | |
*Class meets for fist eight weeks only
Summer 2011 - First Six Weeks
Class | Section | Description | Day | Time | Instructor | Room # |
A100 | 4950 | The Solar System | TR | 6:35-9:35pm | Janowiecki | SW219 |
A100 | 4951 | The Solar System | Daily | 10:20-11:35am | Hamper | SW219 |
A100 | 4952 | The Solar System | Daily | 1:10-2:25pm | McConnell | SW219 |
A105 | 4954 | Stars & Galaxies | MW | 6:35-9:35pm | Maxwell | SW219 |
A105 | 4955 | Stars & Galaxies | Daily | 11:45-1:00pm | Mason | SW219 |
Summer 2011 - Second Six Weeks
Class | Section | Description | Day | Time | Instructor | Room # |
A100 | 4953 | The Solar System | TR | 6:35-9:35pm | Haurberg | SW219 |
A100 | 9589 | The Solar System | Daily | 1:30-2:20pm | Hirschauer | SW219 |
A105 | 4956 | Stars & Galaxies | Daily | 11:30-12:20pm | Pace | SW219 |