Research Areas

Learn about our different research areas

Our research focuses on four distinct yet overlapping areas from exoplanets and exoplanetary systems; stars and star clusters, stellar populations in the Milky Way; galaxies, their evolution, and the interactions with their environments; and the history of star formation in galaxies across cosmic time.

We combine both theoretical and observational studies, taking advantage of IU’s exceptional computation facilities as well as both ground- and space-based observatories at multiple wavelengths.


Songhu Wang, Constantine Deliyannis, Caty Pilachowski, Katherine Rhode, Cristobal Petrovich

In the last two decades, astronomers have discovered thousands of exoplanets – planets that orbit stars other than our sun.

Learn more about exoplanets

Stellar astrophysics

Constantine Deliyannis, Caty Pilachowski, Katherine Rhode, Songhu Wang

We learn about the evolution of stars from studies of their compositions.

Learn more about stellar astrophysics

Stellar populations

Constantine Delyannis, Caty Pilachowski, Katherine Rhode, Enrico Vesperini

Studies of the composition, ages, and kinematics of stellar populations can tell us about the origin and evolution of stellar systems like the Milky Way.

Learn more about stellar populations


John Salzer, Katherine Rhode, Samir Salim

How do galaxies form and evolve? How and why to galaxies form stars – or stop forming stars?

Learn more about galaxies


SongHu Wang, Enrico Vesperini, Phyllis Lugger, Cristobal Petrovich

Gravitational forces dominate our universe on scales from planets, moons and asteroids to galaxies. On long time scales, simulations can help us understand the origin and evolution of planetary and stellar systems.

Learn more about stellar dynamics