During the summer of 2022, Kitt Peak National Observatory was affected by the Contreras Fire, which knocked out power lines and the high-speed network used to transmit data down the mountain. Although many of the telescopes are still not fully back online, telescopes within the WIYN consortium are slowly being brought up for observation runs.
Graduate Brooke Kimsey-Miller just returned from a successful observation run utilizing HYDRA and the 3.5m telescope. All was not smooth sailing with the still restrictive protocols, especially with food arrangements and transportation, but Brooke was able to gather good data that she and her advisor Professor John Salzer had hoped to acquire.
Brooke shared some photos of her on Kitt Peak. We’re just happy to have her back safe and sound.

For more information on the Contreras Fire and how it affected many of the NOIRLab facilities, see Kitt Peak Telescopes Explore the Universe Again.
For more information on WIYN and the 3.5m Telescope, see WIYN 3.5m Observatory